
Upcoming gigs, new YouTube videos, new songs, album releases, and other random announcements.


I am thankful for my family back home, my family in the city, for a job, for music and manga, for Amanda, for friends who are family, for health, and for leftovers.


Sometimes progress in one's life feels like the opposite.


"It felt like your performance came from a different place tonight.From the heart." That means more to me than a cover of The Rolling Stone.


Playing with The Botz at Sidewalk Cafe tonight at 8pm-8:45pm - Avenue A and 6th Street. My mom will be there!


04.2006   08.2007   10.2007   11.2007   12.2007   01.2008   02.2008   03.2008   05.2008   06.2008   07.2008   09.2008   11.2008   12.2008   02.2009   03.2009   04.2009   05.2009   06.2009   07.2009   08.2009   09.2009   10.2009   11.2009   12.2009   01.2010   02.2010   03.2010   04.2010   05.2010   06.2010   07.2010   08.2010   09.2010   10.2010   12.2010   03.2011   04.2011   05.2011   07.2011   09.2011  

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